Seeking to learn from Michael Singer

Michael Singer is a great spiritual teacher and the author of several popular books, including The Untethered Soul, Living Untethered, and The Surrender Experiment. He lives in Florida and regularly gives talks at the Temple of The Universe which he founded and built himself. I started following Michael “Mickey” Singer’s teachings in May of 2023 and they have led to incredible, positive changes in my life.

Below I’ll describe my own experiments with Michael’s Signers surrender concept, and I included a post I made on a Facebook Group dedicated to students of Michael Singer’s teachings, after being prompted by one of the admins to share about our understanding.

I was actually given the Untethered Soul book a long time ago, when i was in high school, by a close friend. I don’t even recall whether I read it or not, but in any case I did not have the mental clarity to retain any of it’s content.

Fast forward maybe 12 years, I had just moved across the country with my soon-to-be wife. With 6 weeks notice, we had packed up our lives in quiet Guelph, Ontario and made our way 3300km west to Calgary Alberta. My wife had found out in March that she had matched to Calgary for her surgical residency training, the final step in her education as a doctor. We had rented a house near the hospital where she would be working, and spent five days driving a moving truck across the country.

It may May 6th, my birthday, and my wife had just left for the airport to head back to Guelph, since our wedding was coming up in 3 weeks. I stayed behind in Calgary, so I could set up my business at the new location I had rented, but mainly because I was planning to spend a week writing a book I had been planning for some time.


I was mowing the lawn with an early wedding gift, an electric lawnmower, and listening to one of my favorite self-help gurus, Tony Robbins. He has a podcast, and I tuned into an episode where he and his wife were interviewing a man called Michael Singer. 


The interview blew me away. Michael was presenting an incredibly clear understanding of the human mind, how it trips us up and causes all problems in our life, and how simple techniques, and a clear intention could be used over time to clean up the mess that is many people’s thoughts and allow for a flow of beautiful energy to come through your self.

What struck me was that Michael Singer was pushing back on Tony, insisting that there is a deeper part of every person that can be uncovered. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Tony Robbins, I attended some of his events and even volunteered on the medical crew at an event. It seemed to me that Mickey was coming from a deeper and more centered place than even Tony Robbins, and this impressed me.

In the interview, Tony and Sage mentioned and eight part series Michael Singer created which I signed up for after some reflection. It ended up becoming integrated in many ways into my book over the next week, as I would listen to the lessons on my way to the office to work on the manuscript.

I realized that Michael Singer had made serious spiritual progress in his life. He had done the work, and here and there I could catch glimpses of the state he lives in now. Speaking very humbly, he defers to using examples of experiences the great masters described, but reading between the lines it seemed to me a lot of these were also experiences personal to him. Some examples are [Waking up every single morning and saying “Oh boy” I can’t wait for what’s going to happen today, good, bad, terrible, I don’t care. I wake up and giggle like a kid on Christmas morning, life on earth is so exciting, it’s like Disneyworld.]

I dove deep into all of his books, I found old lectures he had given online and devoured them, hour after hour. I re-read his books again and again. I listened to Oprah describe his book as life-changing and among her absolute favorites. I found out his talks got posted weekly right after he was giving them live in Florida. (Link below)

Michael Singer Podcast

The more I listened the more I could identify the glimpses of the high states he described. I was becoming more and more sold on the concept that by “cleaning up in there” with “there” being inside of your psyche, you could unlock the natural flow of energy that is every person’s birthright. His autobiography led me onto a life changing journey, after reading “The Autobiography of a Yogi” and going down the path of Kriya Yoga, but that is for another post as I’, trying to keep this one not too long.

After some time, I realized there must be other people out there who were committed to applying these teachings. I found a facebook page with thousands of people who had had the same idea, to apply these teachings and follow the path to the highest happiness there is, to be totally okay and fulfilled regardless of what goes on in the external world. It is a great resource for asking questions, and helping others by answering questions.


One day last week, one of the organizers posted the following invitation to memebers to share their understanding. As promised, by response is attached below. I hope this post is helpful to those curious about or working on implementing Michael Singer’s teaching!

Question from Rob Smith:

“As someone who spent most of their professional life as a teacher of some sort, I came to realize that one of the best ways to learn is not just to ask questions, but to do some writing about a topic you’re interested in.
 Doing this causes you to organize your thoughts and ideas, even thoughts and ideas you weren’t consciously aware of. :~) So what I’m suggesting to all y’all is to feel free to post your understanding (at whatever level) of some topic that is relevant to Mickey’s teachings. 
So, go ahead, do some posting and I think you will be pleased at how just writing something up helped clarify it in your own mind (and in the minds of those reading your post).

Peace&Love, Rob Smith 🙏❤🙏

My response: 

Thanks Rob Smith for the suggestion to write down our understanding of MS teachings to help us understand our own thoughts.

From my lens, Michael Singers teachings are an effective and efficient way to reach the highest goal that has been described by saints and wise men for ages.

The highest goal or purpose of life is Yoga, union, merger with God or the Christ consciousness.

The unique way MS helps to arrive at this goal is without any dogma, without even needing to mention the word God.

He is applying the deepest yogic teachings, of allowing inner blockages to be cleared out and for the shakti to go to shiva, or for purusha and prakriti to go about their divine play unimpeded.

It starts with continuous awareness, asking yourself who is in here watching the thoughts and action, realizing that if I am the one watching, I am not what I am watching. So you can realize you are not the body, not the thoughts, not the collection of stories that continuously get repeated by the mind.

From the center of awareness, one can watch as the consciousness gets pulled down into interacting with the thoughts, emotions and feelings.

This is because we have fallen from the garden, we chose the only thing (fruit) we shouldn’t have, good vs bad. Having preferences.

Using these preferences we develop aversions and attractions to certain things in the world, and there begins the fall. The more preferences, the further away we are from Yoga, from the divine consciousness that is aware that it is all pervading, and it is everything it perceives.

Starting with the little ones, through awareness, we can let go of our preferences and start to realize they were just made up thoughts. You didn’t get the job you wanted; life didn’t end, you handled it and moved on.

I think the aim is to be able to handle absolutely anything with equanimity, and somewhere along the road there and even before reaching that goal, the innate beauty and perfection of the world we see before us starts to emerge and become available to our perception.

Some of my favorite Michael Singer moments are when he describes this state, waking up excited every single day for whatever will happen. 

Being fascinated by all natural phenomena and full of appreciation and love for everything and everyone. Inspired by all that goes on. It’s such a beautiful goal to work towards, and it is an attitude of mind, not a set of circumstances or expectation that have to be met.

If it’s not coming across, I just spent a week at a meditation retreat with a great yoga master so the bliss of the self is flowing through me, I pray not to forget the inner self and the beauty of the breath, thanks for the suggestion to post! 🙏

Nicholas Svaikauskas

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