
Contractor Triangle to the Contractor Tetrahedron: Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in Renovation Projects

You’re probably familiar with the contractor triangle. It’s a triangle with price on one side, speed on the other side, and quality on the third.

Typically, contractors will point to it and say you can pick two because they can’t deliver all three. If you want speed and quality, it will be expensive. If you want low cost and high quality, it will take a long time. The combinations vary.


The Sun is always shining

I was driving today on a very snowy day. It was mostly overcast, and the skies were a ubiquitous shade of white, matching the snow-covered ground. The landscape looked like one continuous white sheet draped over the expanse of sky, roads, and earth.


Gas tank full of sacrifice

I was driving today, and I realized that my ability to be driving on the road at that very moment, was entirely dependent on the death of hundreds of thousands of dinosaurs, tens of millions of years ago. Of course, without dinosaur carcasses and tremendous amounts of organic matter, dying, being buried by sediment and compressed over the course of millions of years, then petroleum deposits would not have formed.


Rocks and Yoghurt

Finding beauty in a morning bowl of bacteria.
I was eating my yoghurt with blueberries this morning, and I noticed the beautiful patterns the violet streaks of blueberry juice created against the stark white contrast of my yoghurt.

I thought, this is just as beautiful as a beautiful vein of color in a slab of marble, isn’t it?

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